all postcodes in LS6 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS6 3DG 16 0 53.81453 -1.578654
LS6 3DH 8 0 53.814061 -1.578112
LS6 3DJ 15 0 53.813651 -1.579133
LS6 3DL 16 0 53.813171 -1.57858
LS6 3DN 18 0 53.814588 -1.577225
LS6 3DP 6 2 53.818785 -1.582165
LS6 3DQ 19 0 53.81435 -1.578367
LS6 3DR 32 0 53.817559 -1.583848
LS6 3DS 49 2 53.816942 -1.587333
LS6 3DT 47 0 53.816835 -1.584934
LS6 3DU 25 0 53.816539 -1.584906
LS6 3DX 10 0 53.816761 -1.586879
LS6 3DY 26 0 53.81773 -1.589102
LS6 3DZ 5 0 53.818424 -1.589475
LS6 3EB 25 0 53.819387 -1.592519
LS6 3ED 17 0 53.818859 -1.590686
LS6 3EE 46 0 53.81976 -1.591315
LS6 3EF 8 0 53.819707 -1.592094
LS6 3EG 45 1 53.819078 -1.591458
LS6 3EH 12 0 53.819282 -1.582874