all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 4DH 2 0 51.855171 -0.444084
LU1 4DJ 32 0 51.854841 -0.445586
LU1 4DL 14 0 51.853359 -0.447045
LU1 4DN 13 0 51.85437 -0.446677
LU1 4DP 26 0 51.85631 -0.450623
LU1 4DQ 19 5 51.853382 -0.445423
LU1 4DR 62 3 51.854469 -0.45283
LU1 4DS 22 0 51.854408 -0.455039
LU1 4DT 2 0 51.855503 -0.451507
LU1 4DU 45 0 51.853867 -0.437227
LU1 4DW 1 0 51.857514 -0.449836
LU1 4DY 15 0 51.853662 -0.42993
LU1 4EA 4 0 51.862339 -0.461274
LU1 4EB 11 0 51.864705 -0.45855
LU1 4ED 29 0 51.863023 -0.457866
LU1 4EE 48 16 51.864502 -0.458179
LU1 4EF 12 0 51.861504 -0.458601
LU1 4EH 31 0 51.860037 -0.463284
LU1 4EJ 19 0 51.862415 -0.462244
LU1 4EL 49 0 51.862109 -0.462908