all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 4EN 18 0 51.859206 -0.461656
LU1 4EP 48 0 51.860745 -0.460355
LU1 4EQ 37 0 51.862532 -0.460197
LU1 4ER 48 0 51.860407 -0.460642
LU1 4ES 11 0 51.864445 -0.456569
LU1 4ET 41 0 51.863475 -0.460117
LU1 4EU 6 0 51.860099 -0.459128
LU1 4EW 5 0 51.860348 -0.458902
LU1 4EX 22 0 51.864115 -0.459543
LU1 4EY 4 0 51.864378 -0.459679
LU1 4EZ 17 0 51.859182 -0.459813
LU1 4HA 12 0 51.866177 -0.45497
LU1 4HB 16 0 51.86597 -0.454265
LU1 4HD 34 0 51.865763 -0.452878
LU1 4HE 40 0 51.865665 -0.452257
LU1 4HF 21 1 51.865506 -0.456605
LU1 4HG 21 0 51.861305 -0.457126
LU1 4HH 12 1 51.859722 -0.455022
LU1 4HJ 23 0 51.859689 -0.456615
LU1 4HL 6 0 51.855514 -0.431274