all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 4JW 14 0 51.855275 -0.433533
LU1 4LA 5 0 51.858854 -0.413471
LU1 4LB 2 2 51.856086 -0.416985
LU1 4LE 9 1 51.844508 -0.410506
LU1 4LF 7 1 51.83734 -0.393195
LU1 4LG 14 0 51.841221 -0.38772
LU1 4LH 5 0 51.843188 -0.424754
LU1 4LJ 6 0 51.849632 -0.424394
LU1 4LL 25 5 51.849105 -0.429426
LU1 4LN 15 0 51.849792 -0.428962
LU1 4LP 39 0 51.86088 -0.439917
LU1 4LQ 7 2 51.838488 -0.435007
LU1 4LR 53 0 51.860517 -0.43826
LU1 4LS 45 0 51.860577 -0.438088
LU1 4LT 1 0 51.858338 -0.44076
LU1 4LU 18 1 51.859426 -0.438036
LU1 4LW 63 1 51.849139 -0.430644
LU1 4LX 3 2 51.864121 -0.420634
LU1 4NA 5 0 51.859298 -0.439261
LU1 4NE 16 0 51.867427 -0.458427