all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 4QQ 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 4ZS 1 1 51.879985 -0.422902
LU1 4FD 0 51.861658 -0.459414
LU1 4FB 0 51.863602 -0.462276
LU1 4NF 0 51.848904 -0.429835
LU1 4NB 0 51.849831 -0.426521
LU1 4FF 7 7 51.861951 -0.471515
LU1 4FG 0 51.878256 -0.464149
LU1 4FH 0 51.878076 -0.465491
LU1 4FL 0 51.877048 -0.463885
LU1 4FN 0 51.877815 -0.463408
LU1 4FP 0 51.878577 -0.463208
LU1 4FJ 0 51.878074 -0.464649
LU1 4FQ 1 0 51.855755 -0.434524