all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5RZ 50 0 51.879016 -0.446685
LU1 5SA 18 0 51.875043 -0.418392
LU1 5SD 23 0 51.878865 -0.442738
LU1 5SE 8 0 51.878696 -0.442192
LU1 5SF 10 0 51.877695 -0.439277
LU1 5SG 32 0 51.879115 -0.440536
LU1 5SH 22 0 51.878402 -0.441694
LU1 5SJ 13 0 51.877974 -0.440619
LU1 5SL 8 0 51.877558 -0.440488
LU1 5SN 21 0 51.879588 -0.44033
LU1 5SP 16 0 51.876778 -0.433832
LU1 5SQ 35 0 51.878839 -0.440749
LU1 5SR 35 0 51.87696 -0.432707
LU1 5SS 90 0 51.877388 -0.430353
LU1 5ST 18 0 51.877288 -0.428265
LU1 5SU 32 0 51.877391 -0.429961
LU1 5SW 36 0 51.877837 -0.438444
LU1 5TJ 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU1 5XL 1 1 51.877229 -0.418504
LU1 5ZF 1 0 51.879977 -0.422926