all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5QW 8 0 51.876815 -0.442068
LU1 5QX 42 0 51.874904 -0.43965
LU1 5QY 78 5 51.876379 -0.438321
LU1 5RA 51 0 51.875436 -0.437089
LU1 5RB 63 0 51.875637 -0.437983
LU1 5RD 34 5 51.875075 -0.439034
LU1 5RE 26 2 51.875501 -0.439963
LU1 5RF 6 0 51.872767 -0.438562
LU1 5RH 6 0 51.877291 -0.443388
LU1 5RJ 46 0 51.876087 -0.443415
LU1 5RL 21 0 51.877454 -0.445518
LU1 5RN 4 0 51.877998 -0.446502
LU1 5RP 4 0 51.876755 -0.445658
LU1 5RR 6 0 51.877536 -0.447002
LU1 5RS 20 0 51.877779 -0.444974
LU1 5RT 18 0 51.878125 -0.447296
LU1 5RU 3 0 51.880058 -0.441811
LU1 5RW 29 0 51.877386 -0.443777
LU1 5RX 40 0 51.879651 -0.443684
LU1 5RY 19 0 51.878543 -0.445611