all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5JN 30 0 51.874953 -0.426472
LU1 5JP 16 0 51.875721 -0.42476
LU1 5JQ 28 0 51.875329 -0.435103
LU1 5JR 52 0 51.875145 -0.427395
LU1 5JS 28 0 51.87565 -0.431533
LU1 5JT 49 0 51.876071 -0.424007
LU1 5JU 39 0 51.87685 -0.430488
LU1 5JW 19 0 51.875182 -0.429486
LU1 5JX 34 0 51.876678 -0.427691
LU1 5JY 48 0 51.876324 -0.431495
LU1 5JZ 31 0 51.876445 -0.429093
LU1 5LA 5 0 51.869438 -0.428916
LU1 5LB 23 0 51.870321 -0.430425
LU1 5LD 18 0 51.871535 -0.43246
LU1 5LE 25 0 51.872864 -0.434985
LU1 5LF 27 0 51.874171 -0.437249
LU1 5LG 15 0 51.869979 -0.429028
LU1 5LH 23 0 51.873241 -0.43426
LU1 5LJ 26 0 51.874611 -0.436566
LU1 5LL 4 0 51.872685 -0.436463