all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5LN 8 0 51.87267 -0.436009
LU1 5LP 8 0 51.873468 -0.437826
LU1 5LQ 26 0 51.871561 -0.431689
LU1 5LR 12 0 51.873829 -0.437959
LU1 5LS 16 0 51.874349 -0.434488
LU1 5LT 4 0 51.874964 -0.435421
LU1 5LU 12 0 51.875015 -0.435811
LU1 5LW 16 0 51.873246 -0.437354
LU1 5LX 37 0 51.873898 -0.43431
LU1 5LY 21 5 51.87143 -0.428614
LU1 5LZ 8 0 51.876504 -0.42344
LU1 5NA 20 0 51.870734 -0.42967
LU1 5NB 4 0 51.871989 -0.428057
LU1 5ND 56 0 51.870776 -0.427461
LU1 5NE 17 0 51.871752 -0.429867
LU1 5NF 12 0 51.872041 -0.430646
LU1 5NG 34 0 51.871516 -0.426999
LU1 5NH 12 0 51.872465 -0.430002
LU1 5NQ 16 0 51.872354 -0.429105
LU1 5NR 36 0 51.870244 -0.425983