all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 5PT 12 0 51.872554 -0.435344
LU1 5PU 27 0 51.871903 -0.434437
LU1 5PW 4 0 51.869514 -0.433939
LU1 5PX 31 0 51.872201 -0.436533
LU1 5PY 22 0 51.873361 -0.438614
LU1 5PZ 24 0 51.872973 -0.439804
LU1 5QA 52 1 51.867562 -0.433862
LU1 5QD 61 0 51.86839 -0.434661
LU1 5QF 32 0 51.874425 -0.44019
LU1 5QG 4 0 51.874459 -0.440697
LU1 5QH 9 0 51.876409 -0.441254
LU1 5QJ 23 0 51.877426 -0.44135
LU1 5QL 43 0 51.878487 -0.443419
LU1 5QN 26 0 51.876966 -0.442586
LU1 5QP 8 0 51.876479 -0.441789
LU1 5QQ 66 0 51.874605 -0.441505
LU1 5QR 7 0 51.877123 -0.440183
LU1 5QS 12 0 51.877143 -0.438352
LU1 5QT 3 0 51.876708 -0.437379
LU1 5QU 14 0 51.875837 -0.436117