all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 3EH 24 0 51.874815 -0.410875
LU1 3EJ 59 0 51.874394 -0.410309
LU1 3EL 46 0 51.874423 -0.411107
LU1 3EN 85 0 51.877836 -0.412832
LU1 3EP 12 11 51.877894 -0.413168
LU1 3EQ 20 1 51.874537 -0.415606
LU1 3ET 68 7 51.877373 -0.41185
LU1 3EU 16 7 51.876442 -0.410135
LU1 3EY 52 5 51.875673 -0.409131
LU1 3EZ 1 1 51.875553 -0.408888
LU1 3HA 14 0 51.874467 -0.407735
LU1 3HB 17 1 51.873435 -0.40658
LU1 3HD 21 0 51.871933 -0.40521
LU1 3HE 8 0 51.872419 -0.405905
LU1 3HF 3 0 51.874284 -0.40748
LU1 3HG 21 11 51.875664 -0.408448
LU1 3HH 37 0 51.871069 -0.403832
LU1 3HJ 19 2 51.872911 -0.404376
LU1 3HN 48 2 51.876389 -0.40758
LU1 3HQ 31 3 51.873292 -0.40598