all postcodes in LU1 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 3HR 1 1 51.877121 -0.407816
LU1 3HU 30 0 51.8756 -0.407071
LU1 3HW 1 1 51.87669 -0.40985
LU1 3HX 4 3 51.876656 -0.40805
LU1 3HY 1 1 51.877356 -0.407226
LU1 3HZ 1 0 51.877056 -0.409707
LU1 3JE 2 2 51.87883 -0.411901
LU1 3JF 1 1 51.878718 -0.410215
LU1 3JG 1 1 51.880199 -0.410671
LU1 3JH 12 9 51.87339 -0.398002
LU1 3JJ 6 2 51.878704 -0.408564
LU1 3JU 1 1 51.87825 -0.411539
LU1 3JW 4 4 51.872518 -0.395951
LU1 3JX 4 2 51.877344 -0.411033
LU1 3LD 1 1 51.876086 -0.401794
LU1 3LG 1 1 51.862344 -0.410197
LU1 3LP 8 0 51.878202 -0.405962
LU1 3LS 1 1 51.863732 -0.408492
LU1 3LU 51 48 51.866046 -0.408066
LU1 3LY 44 0 51.868716 -0.416653