all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 0LE 46 0 51.889141 -0.401753
LU2 0LF 7 0 51.888511 -0.401659
LU2 0LG 40 0 51.887324 -0.399681
LU2 0LH 36 0 51.887097 -0.39687
LU2 0LJ 42 0 51.887665 -0.397024
LU2 0LL 20 0 51.885853 -0.395985
LU2 0LN 30 0 51.886477 -0.394296
LU2 0LP 31 0 51.886238 -0.397206
LU2 0LQ 47 0 51.885577 -0.398174
LU2 0LR 40 0 51.884885 -0.397545
LU2 0LS 36 0 51.887664 -0.400904
LU2 0LT 28 0 51.885851 -0.400446
LU2 0LU 52 0 51.884067 -0.39955
LU2 0LW 10 0 51.887059 -0.398049
LU2 0LX 11 0 51.886551 -0.400363
LU2 0LY 10 0 51.886234 -0.400214
LU2 0LZ 10 0 51.886233 -0.400752
LU2 0NF 41 1 51.886654 -0.409266
LU2 0NG 22 1 51.886622 -0.410285
LU2 0NH 16 0 51.884306 -0.414565