all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 0NJ 1 1 51.886183 -0.411041
LU2 0NL 27 0 51.884407 -0.413356
LU2 0NN 22 2 51.885255 -0.412241
LU2 0NP 18 1 51.884249 -0.415676
LU2 0NQ 4 0 51.885613 -0.412776
LU2 0NT 20 4 51.883637 -0.414942
LU2 0PA 6 0 51.886245 -0.399051
LU2 0PD 9 0 51.885398 -0.411505
LU2 0PH 55 0 51.890808 -0.400696
LU2 0PJ 46 0 51.890451 -0.398224
LU2 0PL 39 0 51.888491 -0.394946
LU2 0PN 40 0 51.888188 -0.395131
LU2 0PP 41 0 51.888916 -0.393783
LU2 0PR 38 0 51.888814 -0.394208
LU2 0PS 26 0 51.88852 -0.399057
LU2 0PT 10 1 51.889576 -0.39732
LU2 0PU 24 0 51.890006 -0.395909
LU2 0PW 47 0 51.89108 -0.396859
LU2 0PX 10 0 51.88868 -0.400214
LU2 0PY 61 0 51.889975 -0.398904