all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 8LD 5 0 51.909115 -0.377667
LU2 8LE 1 1 51.910317 -0.374207
LU2 8LF 1 0 51.91491 -0.380036
LU2 8LH 27 0 51.922225 -0.372482
LU2 8LJ 2 0 51.921938 -0.371944
LU2 8LL 3 0 51.922068 -0.372259
LU2 8LN 15 1 51.92578 -0.375961
LU2 8LP 1 0 51.927614 -0.373367
LU2 8LQ 1 0 51.920382 -0.370499
LU2 8LR 29 0 51.92793 -0.374766
LU2 8LS 12 0 51.929161 -0.376031
LU2 8LT 1 0 51.928868 -0.377507
LU2 8LU 11 0 51.931608 -0.379285
LU2 8LW 27 0 51.927082 -0.375172
LU2 8LX 2 0 51.932152 -0.379035
LU2 8LY 10 0 51.933149 -0.379581
LU2 8LZ 2 0 51.935006 -0.3819
LU2 8NA 7 0 51.935653 -0.383142
LU2 8NB 2 0 51.9362 -0.390279
LU2 8ND 4 1 51.940991 -0.397353