all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 8NE 2 0 51.943679 -0.405943
LU2 8NF 1 1 51.944978 -0.408964
LU2 8NH 8 1 51.913466 -0.355008
LU2 8NJ 2 0 51.90926 -0.353229
LU2 8NL 3 0 51.92086 -0.370703
LU2 8NN 15 0 51.907441 -0.376962
LU2 8NQ 1 1 51.929966 -0.362097
LU2 8NS 2 0 51.922425 -0.372043
LU2 8NX 5 1 51.889051 -0.354824
LU2 8NY 1 1 51.888554 -0.351989
LU2 8NZ 1 0 51.887995 -0.350707
LU2 8PA 2 0 51.884459 -0.349848
LU2 8PB 1 0 51.881457 -0.348616
LU2 8PE 6 1 51.873667 -0.355531
LU2 8PF 3 0 51.864859 -0.341614
LU2 8PG 1 0 51.865556 -0.333096
LU2 8PH 4 0 51.867509 -0.335053
LU2 8PJ 1 0 51.870712 -0.336595
LU2 8PL 1 0 51.874228 -0.32449
LU2 8PN 1 0 51.870923 -0.340059