all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 0EQ 0 51.888095 -0.404129
LU2 0WU 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU2 0FB 46 0 51.883452 -0.415874
LU2 0FD 77 0 51.883452 -0.415874
LU2 0TW 0 51.892288 -0.3984
LU2 0JZ 0 51.887023 -0.404008
LU2 0JD 13 1 51.88553 -0.408671
LU2 0FH 0 51.88321 -0.408681
LU2 0FG 4 0 51.888539 -0.397764
LU2 0FJ 7 0 51.888522 -0.403838
LU2 0FL 0 51.883493 -0.414265
LU2 0FN 1 51.884026 -0.404462
LU2 0NE 0 51.885368 -0.411946
LU2 0FP 3 3 51.873633 -0.39594
LU2 0WN 4 0 51.886391 -0.39985
LU2 0FQ 3 0 51.891831 -0.399235
LU2 0FR 0 51.88478 -0.416336
LU2 0FS 0 51.882855 -0.410306
LU2 0FT 0 51.88242 -0.410743
LU2 0NS 0 51.883976 -0.415395