all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 0SJ 43 8 51.886376 -0.392798
LU2 0SL 10 0 51.887356 -0.390845
LU2 0SN 66 0 51.884882 -0.389451
LU2 0SP 12 0 51.882511 -0.389652
LU2 0SQ 50 0 51.883535 -0.396111
LU2 0SR 12 0 51.882366 -0.388282
LU2 0SW 61 0 51.884907 -0.389945
LU2 0SX 14 11 51.874904 -0.398195
LU2 0TB 1 1 51.873176 -0.390146
LU2 0TG 46 1 51.891964 -0.398383
LU2 0TJ 18 0 51.891274 -0.395951
LU2 0TL 41 3 51.892301 -0.399379
LU2 0TN 10 9 51.891446 -0.400654
LU2 0TP 54 0 51.885345 -0.414892
LU2 0TQ 52 0 51.891742 -0.399931
LU2 0TR 48 0 51.885927 -0.41339
LU2 0TS 73 0 51.885039 -0.41422
LU2 0TT 3 0 51.885483 -0.413158
LU2 0FA 1 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU2 0DT 0 51.888136 -0.404506