all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 0PZ 41 0 51.888136 -0.395932
LU2 0QA 39 0 51.887906 -0.396188
LU2 0QB 47 0 51.889661 -0.400281
LU2 0QD 3 0 51.889389 -0.396803
LU2 0QF 40 0 51.88915 -0.393135
LU2 0QG 32 0 51.889233 -0.392653
LU2 0QH 7 0 51.887457 -0.391641
LU2 0QJ 31 0 51.886272 -0.393717
LU2 0QL 32 0 51.884835 -0.395846
LU2 0QN 25 1 51.883496 -0.397885
LU2 0QQ 20 0 51.887487 -0.392541
LU2 0QT 4 0 51.882329 -0.398667
LU2 0FW 15 1 51.88284 -0.39662
LU2 0QU 16 0 51.881506 -0.399684
LU2 0QW 96 0 51.880589 -0.400327
LU2 0QX 26 1 51.879711 -0.401869
LU2 0QY 12 0 51.880217 -0.400762
LU2 0QZ 32 0 51.880058 -0.400317
LU2 0RA 18 0 51.886286 -0.39145
LU2 0RB 18 0 51.881689 -0.398545