all postcodes in LU2 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU2 0RD 59 1 51.880594 -0.396767
LU2 0RE 50 0 51.880097 -0.397221
LU2 0RF 20 0 51.881072 -0.398828
LU2 0RG 52 0 51.879736 -0.39844
LU2 0RH 53 0 51.879685 -0.395986
LU2 0RJ 13 0 51.88166 -0.392487
LU2 0RL 66 0 51.881711 -0.391599
LU2 0RN 58 0 51.881354 -0.395738
LU2 0RP 38 0 51.882344 -0.397795
LU2 0RQ 68 0 51.878762 -0.398881
LU2 0RR 45 0 51.882131 -0.392717
LU2 0RS 4 0 51.882263 -0.39187
LU2 0RT 44 0 51.884008 -0.391255
LU2 0RU 51 0 51.883937 -0.390691
LU2 0RW 40 3 51.881555 -0.395353
LU2 0RX 26 0 51.883816 -0.391698
LU2 0RY 44 0 51.884744 -0.390532
LU2 0RZ 31 0 51.885691 -0.392706
LU2 0SA 12 0 51.884958 -0.392994
LU2 0SH 28 0 51.884842 -0.395033