all postcodes in LU3 / LUTON

find any address or company within the LU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU3 3DQ 41 0 51.916168 -0.462313
LU3 3DR 10 0 51.917009 -0.463375
LU3 3DS 6 0 51.913574 -0.465455
LU3 3DW 27 0 51.915905 -0.462846
LU3 3DY 7 0 51.916602 -0.469394
LU3 3DZ 9 0 51.91641 -0.468441
LU3 3EA 11 0 51.916554 -0.466429
LU3 3EB 15 0 51.917034 -0.46461
LU3 3ED 10 0 51.917782 -0.463363
LU3 3EE 41 0 51.916263 -0.466134
LU3 3EF 13 0 51.917468 -0.463432
LU3 3EG 10 0 51.916829 -0.468208
LU3 3EH 54 0 51.918717 -0.467461
LU3 3EJ 54 0 51.918534 -0.467903
LU3 3EL 4 0 51.919189 -0.467794
LU3 3EN 46 0 51.919408 -0.4653
LU3 3EP 17 1 51.915386 -0.468548
LU3 3EQ 11 0 51.915942 -0.467715
LU3 3ER 60 0 51.915809 -0.465786
LU3 3ES 58 0 51.915547 -0.465737