all postcodes in LU3 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
LU3 3EW38151.919832-0.465387
LU3 3GU171451.918195-0.474342
LU3 3HA39051.918178-0.465429
LU3 3HB41051.918148-0.465895
LU3 3HD24051.919909-0.468584
LU3 3HE21051.919815-0.467569
LU3 3HF35051.920028-0.463883
LU3 3HG20051.919544-0.463347
LU3 3HH62051.919207-0.462297
LU3 3HJ56051.920802-0.464671
LU3 3HP393551.920667-0.476425
LU3 3HQ12051.921384-0.463095
LU3 3HR8051.920919-0.470178
LU3 3HS28051.921861-0.47208
LU3 3HT14051.921129-0.469734
LU3 3HU12051.921767-0.471065
LU3 3HX12051.922211-0.47342
LU3 3HY20051.920083-0.470177
LU3 3HZ12051.922571-0.472099
LU3 3JA22051.923261-0.473298