all postcodes in LU4 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU4 0AR 43 0 51.888459 -0.470819
LU4 0AS 14 0 51.888815 -0.469844
LU4 0AT 38 0 51.889348 -0.470741
LU4 0AU 40 0 51.891279 -0.472681
LU4 0AX 16 0 51.889749 -0.469783
LU4 0AY 32 0 51.890268 -0.469562
LU4 0AZ 21 0 51.891561 -0.47225
LU4 0BH 21 0 51.891462 -0.473634
LU4 0BJ 39 0 51.889168 -0.474177
LU4 0BL 7 0 51.891984 -0.474314
LU4 0BN 10 0 51.890741 -0.474153
LU4 0BP 26 0 51.889573 -0.47287
LU4 0BS 6 0 51.889923 -0.474911
LU4 0BT 22 0 51.890032 -0.477069
LU4 0BU 40 0 51.890292 -0.476304
LU4 0BW 9 0 51.888472 -0.473256
LU4 0BX 14 0 51.889457 -0.476361
LU4 0BY 14 0 51.889498 -0.477494
LU4 0BZ 22 0 51.891553 -0.478543
LU4 0DA 56 0 51.889401 -0.47834