all postcodes in LU4 / LUTON

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU4 9PG 5 51.905846 -0.47133
LU4 9PJ 0 51.904789 -0.475087
LU4 9PL 0 51.904789 -0.475087
LU4 9PN 0 51.905323 -0.47533
LU4 9PP 0 51.906148 -0.472453
LU4 9PR 1 51.879977 -0.422926
LU4 9PT 0 51.893648 -0.456469
LU4 9PU 0 51.894003 -0.456108
LU4 9PW 0 51.893241 -0.454231
LU4 9PX 0 51.896227 -0.458416
LU4 9PY 0 51.897693 -0.459805
LU4 9PZ 0 51.896546 -0.458056
LU4 9QA 0 51.897883 -0.459173
LU4 9QD 4 51.901123 -0.462903
LU4 9QH 1 51.90126 -0.464421
LU4 9QJ 0 51.892937 -0.457046
LU4 9QL 0 51.900888 -0.461352
LU4 9QN 1 51.901056 -0.466016
LU4 9QP 0 51.901424 -0.465956
LU4 9QQ 1 51.899344 -0.462292