all postcodes in LU6 / DUNSTABLE

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU6 3PY 30 0 51.876367 -0.524483
LU6 3PZ 40 0 51.877389 -0.528531
LU6 3QB 13 0 51.876269 -0.527435
LU6 3QD 43 0 51.875833 -0.528553
LU6 3QE 22 0 51.877113 -0.529543
LU6 3QF 29 1 51.877145 -0.524864
LU6 3QJ 1 1 51.887753 -0.523993
LU6 3QL 8 7 51.847984 -0.476126
LU6 3QP 16 6 51.859259 -0.481626
LU6 3QQ 52 0 51.877335 -0.522126
LU6 3QS 3 2 51.86449 -0.487067
LU6 3QT 9 2 51.850505 -0.477038
LU6 3QU 7 2 51.848105 -0.475033
LU6 3QY 7 0 51.850223 -0.480315
LU6 3QZ 13 1 51.853195 -0.486211
LU6 3RA 9 0 51.860115 -0.503554
LU6 3RB 2 0 51.8505 -0.49342
LU6 3RD 7 0 51.850451 -0.491051
LU6 3RE 4 1 51.848681 -0.493912
LU6 3RF 13 0 51.84666 -0.494067