all postcodes in LU6 / DUNSTABLE

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU6 3RG 55 1 51.850983 -0.498133
LU6 3RH 25 2 51.850662 -0.50051
LU6 3RJ 54 0 51.849262 -0.495751
LU6 3RL 57 0 51.850054 -0.500734
LU6 3RN 6 0 51.850567 -0.502212
LU6 3RP 20 0 51.850284 -0.503949
LU6 3RQ 4 0 51.850672 -0.494891
LU6 3RR 9 0 51.850567 -0.505697
LU6 3RS 40 0 51.850468 -0.505018
LU6 3RT 30 0 51.850807 -0.503409
LU6 3RU 20 0 51.84909 -0.500577
LU6 3RW 51 0 51.84946 -0.502104
LU6 3RZ 61 22 51.885369 -0.51964
LU6 3SD 5 1 51.872662 -0.503777
LU6 3SE 18 0 51.885101 -0.518326
LU6 3SF 49 18 51.884223 -0.517847
LU6 3SH 9 1 51.884374 -0.51774
LU6 3SJ 5 2 51.881748 -0.514078
LU6 3SL 12 0 51.881897 -0.518039
LU6 3SN 24 12 51.885397 -0.521077