all postcodes in LU6 / DUNSTABLE

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU6 1DN 42 0 51.891237 -0.532264
LU6 1DP 20 1 51.889181 -0.53543
LU6 1DR 21 1 51.887444 -0.538128
LU6 1DS 20 0 51.889547 -0.533031
LU6 1DT 10 0 51.889503 -0.533788
LU6 1DU 25 0 51.890561 -0.535701
LU6 1DW 1 1 51.887955 -0.538765
LU6 1DX 8 0 51.887873 -0.536472
LU6 1DY 55 0 51.889002 -0.537627
LU6 1DZ 34 0 51.88892 -0.534654
LU6 1EA 30 0 51.887376 -0.536996
LU6 1EB 38 0 51.88765 -0.533718
LU6 1ED 24 0 51.888567 -0.533005
LU6 1EE 50 0 51.886686 -0.53359
LU6 1EF 38 0 51.886111 -0.536529
LU6 1EG 41 0 51.886605 -0.535093
LU6 1EJ 6 0 51.890339 -0.530143
LU6 1EN 56 0 51.886415 -0.529849
LU6 1EP 40 0 51.890197 -0.531063
LU6 1EQ 8 0 51.885915 -0.537392