all postcodes in LU6 / DUNSTABLE

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU6 1ER 42 0 51.890268 -0.53029
LU6 1ES 37 2 51.888649 -0.531666
LU6 1ET 37 2 51.886988 -0.531851
LU6 1EU 59 4 51.884626 -0.532044
LU6 1EW 48 1 51.884918 -0.530295
LU6 1EX 47 1 51.888707 -0.52697
LU6 1EY 49 4 51.88883 -0.527417
LU6 1FA 20 0 51.886914 -0.538217
LU6 1GL 6 0 51.890763 -0.528109
LU6 1HA 43 0 51.886841 -0.530141
LU6 1HB 43 7 51.887227 -0.530118
LU6 1HD 20 0 51.887704 -0.530127
LU6 1HE 51 2 51.887205 -0.525468
LU6 1HF 51 0 51.887318 -0.525174
LU6 1HG 10 0 51.884195 -0.53071
LU6 1HH 10 0 51.883738 -0.531521
LU6 1HL 24 0 51.889369 -0.527399
LU6 1HN 21 0 51.888826 -0.528507
LU6 1HP 7 0 51.891006 -0.529612
LU6 1HR 15 0 51.887693 -0.526422