all postcodes in LU6 / DUNSTABLE

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU6 1HS 6 0 51.891059 -0.528826
LU6 1HT 2 2 51.887145 -0.524322
LU6 1HW 29 0 51.888238 -0.530444
LU6 1HX 37 18 51.886578 -0.522132
LU6 1HY 1 1 51.886295 -0.521774
LU6 1JA 6 0 51.89108 -0.528317
LU6 1JE 20 5 51.887229 -0.523081
LU6 1JF 23 10 51.88805 -0.524075
LU6 1JH 1 1 51.887753 -0.523993
LU6 1JJ 16 13 51.888836 -0.525066
LU6 1JL 21 10 51.889194 -0.52565
LU6 1JN 18 9 51.889854 -0.526628
LU6 1JP 9 0 51.889734 -0.526384
LU6 1JS 33 0 51.890651 -0.532109
LU6 1JU 1 1 51.886256 -0.520744
LU6 1JW 21 3 51.890695 -0.527748
LU6 1JX 24 1 51.890325 -0.527644
LU6 1JY 1 1 51.886447 -0.52097
LU6 1JZ 1 1 51.886539 -0.521113
LU6 1LA 21 15 51.886916 -0.521798