all postcodes in LU / Luton

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District

LU / Luton

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU1 1LB 50 0 51.881136 -0.434335
LU1 1LD 48 0 51.881151 -0.434741
LU1 1LE 36 0 51.881006 -0.433366
LU1 1LF 37 0 51.881128 -0.433739
LU1 1LG 36 0 51.880805 -0.432414
LU1 1LH 86 0 51.88063 -0.431446
LU1 1LJ 79 1 51.880537 -0.430505
LU1 1LL 61 1 51.880374 -0.429741
LU1 1LN 66 0 51.88019 -0.42812
LU1 1LP 14 13 51.885392 -0.440595
LU1 1LQ 36 0 51.880927 -0.432787
LU1 1LY 55 4 51.881181 -0.426957
LU1 1LZ 17 1 51.881355 -0.429155
LU1 1ND 16 0 51.881687 -0.431119
LU1 1NE 17 0 51.881868 -0.431883
LU1 1NF 13 0 51.882087 -0.432805
LU1 1NG 16 0 51.882297 -0.433684
LU1 1NH 7 0 51.880984 -0.427628
LU1 1NJ 23 0 51.881077 -0.42853
LU1 1NL 19 0 51.88119 -0.429567