all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 2WW 30 16 53.471491 -2.176522
M11 2YA 30 0 53.477271 -2.178039
M11 2ZN 47 0 53.475486 -2.175576
M11 2LR 12 0 53.470901 -2.169335
M11 2LS 50 0 53.470263 -2.169257
M11 2NB 27 53.472178 -2.181633
M11 2DJ 0 53.475014 -2.205313
M11 2DL 0 53.474832 -2.202135
M11 2EB 1 53.477182 -2.183131
M11 2DN 2 1 53.477461 -2.181579
M11 2EN 0 53.469838 -2.1715
M11 2LW 0 53.469677 -2.170656
M11 2FN 0 53.474376 -2.189613
M11 2FR 1 0 53.474217 -2.187985
M11 2HW 1 1 53.475701 -2.182055
M11 2AL 0 53.47509 -2.19207
M11 2ED 0 53.474329 -2.190983
M11 2EE 0 53.474531 -2.193967
M11 2EP 0 53.474471 -2.192551
M11 2ES 1 0 53.473494 -2.178987