all postcodes in M11 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M11 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 3BX 18 0 53.479885 -2.196282
M11 3DG 14 0 53.47998 -2.197426
M11 3DJ 18 0 53.479444 -2.196582
M11 3DL 1 0 53.481214 -2.196951
M11 3DQ 25 2 53.480288 -2.197007
M11 3DW 16 0 53.478814 -2.207653
M11 3ER 11 10 53.482906 -2.206302
M11 3EZ 3 3 53.48283 -2.208306
M11 3FF 7 6 53.484206 -2.202812
M11 3FU 1 1 53.484101 -2.206549
M11 3FX 1 1 53.483082 -2.208187
M11 3FY 2 2 53.4839 -2.2081
M11 3HL 21 0 53.478364 -2.202287
M11 3HY 7 2 53.481326 -2.199709
M11 3JA 5 0 53.481222 -2.202662
M11 3JB 15 0 53.481089 -2.201727
M11 3JE 33 0 53.480647 -2.202765
M11 3JF 17 0 53.481102 -2.204636
M11 3JG 12 0 53.480384 -2.203939
M11 3JH 16 0 53.480907 -2.202887