all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M13 0GF 0 53.453429 -2.198042
M13 0GH 0 53.452494 -2.198128
M13 0GL 0 53.452495 -2.19721
M13 0GN 0 53.451138 -2.197429
M13 0GP 0 53.451397 -2.198003
M13 0GQ 0 53.45096 -2.196299
M13 0GR 0 53.451272 -2.202941
M13 0GS 0 53.450862 -2.206312
M13 0GT 3 53.453068 -2.203234
M13 0GU 0 53.452372 -2.201215
M13 0GW 7 53.451202 -2.196737
M13 0GX 2 53.451738 -2.203062
M13 0GY 0 53.451151 -2.205455
M13 0GZ 0 53.450959 -2.207156
M13 0HB 1 53.46274 -2.223676
M13 0HL 1 53.461771 -2.222677
M13 0HR 4 53.460839 -2.221648
M13 0HX 0 53.458848 -2.223881
M13 0HY 1 53.458824 -2.222255
M13 0JE 2 53.45897 -2.225296