all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M13 0JA 1 53.458359 -2.221032
M13 0JB 1 53.460511 -2.22395
M13 0JH 1 53.459688 -2.226582
M13 0JN 0 53.459041 -2.226578
M13 0JP 0 53.459041 -2.226578
M13 0JR 1 53.459041 -2.226578
M13 0LF 7 53.461988 -2.206999
M13 0LG 1 53.459931 -2.206416
M13 0LL 1 53.461015 -2.208545
M13 0LN 3 53.460774 -2.207565
M13 0LW 0 53.460532 -2.207323
M13 0LX 0 53.45973 -2.208072
M13 0LY 0 53.459272 -2.20733
M13 0NE 0 53.458804 -2.203429
M13 0NF 0 53.458426 -2.203502
M13 0NG 4 53.45537 -2.203247
M13 0NH 1 53.467343 -2.218744
M13 0NJ 0 53.457635 -2.203303
M13 0NL 0 53.458228 -2.203471
M13 0NN 3 53.458737 -2.205733