all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M13 0PU 0 53.449856 -2.199801
M13 0PW 0 53.451275 -2.200999
M13 0PX 0 53.449896 -2.198402
M13 0PY 0 53.449687 -2.199711
M13 0PZ 0 53.449372 -2.199439
M13 0QE 4 53.453993 -2.197968
M13 0QF 0 53.45419 -2.199326
M13 0QG 0 53.450651 -2.197909
M13 0QJ 8 53.452503 -2.196561
M13 0QL 0 53.45191 -2.196438
M13 0QN 0 53.452314 -2.198278
M13 0QQ 0 53.451029 -2.197926
M13 0QS 0 53.451125 -2.204988
M13 0QT 0 53.452682 -2.203641
M13 0QU 0 53.4528 -2.201893
M13 0QW 0 53.451604 -2.198064
M13 0QX 2 53.452084 -2.201319
M13 0QY 0 53.451863 -2.204405
M13 0QZ 0 53.451602 -2.204659
M13 0RA 0 53.451201 -2.207534