all postcodes in M13 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M13 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M13 0NP 0 53.458839 -2.203806
M13 0NQ 0 53.454713 -2.20368
M13 0NR 2 53.455711 -2.203896
M13 0NS 0 53.456602 -2.202982
M13 0NU 5 53.457198 -2.201388
M13 0NW 1 53.458452 -2.204271
M13 0NX 0 53.457914 -2.203485
M13 0PB 0 53.455319 -2.201696
M13 0PD 26 53.455392 -2.200943
M13 0PE 7 53.454215 -2.200998
M13 0PF 0 53.452743 -2.1995
M13 0PG 0 53.450668 -2.198933
M13 0PJ 0 53.45285 -2.200238
M13 0PL 0 53.451881 -2.198833
M13 0PN 0 53.451512 -2.199479
M13 0PP 0 53.450836 -2.2005
M13 0PQ 0 53.450929 -2.198347
M13 0PR 0 53.450683 -2.200303
M13 0PS 1 53.450315 -2.200136
M13 0PT 0 53.45018 -2.20003