all postcodes in M16 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M16 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M16 0DG 13 0 53.452133 -2.271626
M16 0DH 10 0 53.448358 -2.271602
M16 0DN 10 0 53.451178 -2.272764
M16 0DP 15 0 53.451476 -2.272118
M16 0DQ 16 0 53.451828 -2.271398
M16 0DR 21 0 53.45278 -2.27178
M16 0DS 15 1 53.45283 -2.27282
M16 0DT 8 0 53.451464 -2.273564
M16 0DW 2 0 53.451722 -2.274002
M16 0DX 13 0 53.451319 -2.273955
M16 0DY 43 0 53.450871 -2.273455
M16 0DZ 46 6 53.449727 -2.273763
M16 0EA 12 0 53.448715 -2.276573
M16 0EB 28 0 53.44965 -2.276669
M16 0ED 53 0 53.450024 -2.274428
M16 0EE 1 1 53.457321 -2.262773
M16 0EF 19 0 53.447648 -2.267713
M16 0EG 28 0 53.453082 -2.277158
M16 0EH 6 4 53.447636 -2.268842
M16 0EJ 29 0 53.456664 -2.275465