all postcodes in M16 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M16 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M16 0AA 30 1 53.450829 -2.267958
M16 0AB 11 0 53.449943 -2.266417
M16 0AD 39 0 53.449261 -2.265991
M16 0AE 22 0 53.449116 -2.266502
M16 0AF 16 0 53.448773 -2.267238
M16 0AG 27 1 53.448542 -2.269826
M16 0AH 26 0 53.449122 -2.267857
M16 0AJ 23 0 53.447343 -2.267349
M16 0AL 8 0 53.447999 -2.267579
M16 0AN 22 0 53.447331 -2.268659
M16 0AP 21 0 53.44739 -2.270286
M16 0AQ 7 0 53.447958 -2.269732
M16 0AR 29 0 53.449746 -2.269924
M16 0AS 3 2 53.449597 -2.268342
M16 0AT 41 0 53.44991 -2.268871
M16 0AW 24 0 53.44732 -2.269457
M16 0AY 18 0 53.447616 -2.269926
M16 0BB 8 0 53.449235 -2.27355
M16 0BD 5 0 53.448945 -2.274195
M16 0BE 9 0 53.451532 -2.271095