all postcodes in M17 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M17 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M17 1HQ 18 12 53.471714 -2.317489
M17 1HR 1 1 53.468041 -2.312807
M17 1HU 3 1 53.468494 -2.311152
M17 1HW 14 11 53.461678 -2.312082
M17 1JF 3 3 53.4665 -2.310324
M17 1JG 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M17 1JL 1 1 53.466732 -2.314981
M17 1JS 10 9 53.464237 -2.316529
M17 1JT 15 12 53.472503 -2.324303
M17 1JX 4 4 53.464222 -2.308516
M17 1JZ 8 7 53.463975 -2.306601
M17 1LB 17 16 53.467551 -2.304006
M17 1LP 8 7 53.46587 -2.327808
M17 1LT 6 4 53.463278 -2.309066
M17 1NF 5 5 53.465932 -2.301132
M17 1EJ 1 1 53.465844 -2.300469
M17 1NH 1 1 53.474585 -2.319393
M17 1NL 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M17 1NR 1 1 53.469246 -2.315889
M17 1NW 1 1 53.467022 -2.310479