all postcodes in M17 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M17 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M17 1NX 1 1 53.476593 -2.321608
M17 1PA 1 1 53.476852 -2.328767
M17 1PB 6 6 53.47188 -2.318695
M17 1PD 1 1 53.466273 -2.318291
M17 1PF 2 2 53.467653 -2.316253
M17 1PG 5 5 53.464288 -2.320747
M17 1PJ 1 1 53.462806 -2.307316
M17 1PP 7 7 53.463436 -2.32413
M17 1PQ 4 4 53.463693 -2.31529
M17 1PS 3 3 53.465398 -2.323241
M17 1PY 3 2 53.459668 -2.303769
M17 1PZ 24 21 53.466896 -2.323658
M17 1QA 6 6 53.46131 -2.31848
M17 1QB 1 1 53.463258 -2.323255
M17 1QR 5 4 53.467066 -2.324338
M17 1QS 20 17 53.470832 -2.334355
M17 1RE 7 7 53.474511 -2.33012
M17 1RJ 5 5 53.466189 -2.315986
M17 1RN 5 4 53.472655 -2.32795
M17 1RW 22 20 53.472367 -2.334894