all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 1WX 8 0 53.470271 -2.163713
M11 1XD 1 1 53.475506 -2.19135
M11 1LY 1 53.472425 -2.15982
M11 1DG 2 53.475268 -2.163159
M11 1GN 1 53.47395 -2.161543
M11 1GP 0 53.474156 -2.162267
M11 1JD 0 53.474591 -2.160039
M11 1JH 0 53.474753 -2.159437
M11 1JP 0 53.474935 -2.158217
M11 1JE 0 53.474457 -2.159195
M11 1BU 1 1 53.47319 -2.170638
M11 1NY 1 1 53.472054 -2.167863
M11 1GY 1 53.47897 -2.171612
M11 1GZ 0 53.472995 -2.163197
M11 1PA 1 0 53.471693 -2.167454
M11 1LW 4 0 53.472731 -2.164234
M11 1ET 8 0 53.474134 -2.156962
M11 1LZ 27 0 53.473678 -2.155755
M11 1PG 1 0 53.474062 -2.15752
M11 1PN 5 0 53.474351 -2.155999