all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 1PQ 8 0 53.473947 -2.156118
M11 2AA 1 1 53.475506 -2.19135
M11 2AB 1 1 53.475506 -2.191335
M11 2AD 6 1 53.476294 -2.192015
M11 2AE 8 0 53.475837 -2.192391
M11 2AG 14 0 53.477194 -2.187184
M11 2AH 3 0 53.476315 -2.191746
M11 2AJ 14 0 53.475714 -2.19099
M11 2AN 8 0 53.475463 -2.190341
M11 2AP 29 0 53.476759 -2.189247
M11 2AQ 4 0 53.476135 -2.19185
M11 2AS 16 3 53.477319 -2.187667
M11 2AT 8 0 53.475823 -2.190026
M11 2AU 13 0 53.476811 -2.190678
M11 2AW 21 0 53.476379 -2.189439
M11 2AX 24 0 53.476568 -2.190662
M11 2AY 21 0 53.476352 -2.190977
M11 2AZ 30 3 53.476898 -2.190933
M11 2BA 6 0 53.475629 -2.193475
M11 2BB 3 0 53.475566 -2.193053