all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 2BD 3 0 53.475836 -2.19325
M11 2BF 8 0 53.474931 -2.191272
M11 2BG 13 0 53.474757 -2.187882
M11 2BN 1 1 53.475506 -2.19135
M11 2BP 1 0 53.47492 -2.192869
M11 2BQ 21 0 53.47509 -2.193081
M11 2BR 7 0 53.474633 -2.191979
M11 2BT 1 1 53.475506 -2.19135
M11 2BU 11 0 53.476174 -2.189591
M11 2BX 5 0 53.476452 -2.190255
M11 2BY 17 0 53.476273 -2.189892
M11 2BZ 1 1 53.473622 -2.189248
M11 2DA 2 2 53.47316 -2.201146
M11 2DD 1 1 53.475723 -2.185204
M11 2DR 47 0 53.476599 -2.176439
M11 2GR 3 3 53.472951 -2.19283
M11 2DT 6 4 53.474107 -2.199448
M11 2DU 3 2 53.473648 -2.200668
M11 2DW 6 5 53.473716 -2.19128
M11 2DX 2 1 53.473655 -2.200666