all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 2HA 8 0 53.477394 -2.179637
M11 2HB 2 0 53.474172 -2.187019
M11 2HD 15 1 53.474107 -2.18922
M11 2HE 3 0 53.477151 -2.179937
M11 2HH 4 0 53.478798 -2.178678
M11 2HJ 9 0 53.47849 -2.179897
M11 2HL 3 0 53.478277 -2.17842
M11 2HN 10 0 53.479164 -2.180202
M11 2HP 7 0 53.478841 -2.179959
M11 2HS 27 0 53.477925 -2.179353
M11 2HU 11 0 53.478222 -2.178646
M11 2HY 18 0 53.478698 -2.178934
M11 2JA 15 0 53.479487 -2.180595
M11 2JB 4 0 53.47945 -2.181529
M11 2JD 35 0 53.474909 -2.176763
M11 2JF 20 0 53.475582 -2.176887
M11 2JG 7 0 53.476606 -2.177373
M11 2JH 15 0 53.477854 -2.178554
M11 2JJ 41 0 53.476245 -2.178622
M11 2JL 8 0 53.475924 -2.176918