all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 2JN 24 0 53.476283 -2.177417
M11 2JP 32 0 53.479385 -2.182417
M11 2JQ 1 0 53.47658 -2.177087
M11 2JR 8 0 53.476542 -2.178262
M11 2JT 30 0 53.476702 -2.179799
M11 2JU 20 0 53.476593 -2.18004
M11 2JW 10 1 53.477245 -2.177105
M11 2JX 22 1 53.474782 -2.177049
M11 2JY 14 0 53.479015 -2.183335
M11 2JZ 1 0 53.477461 -2.181579
M11 2LA 1 1 53.475506 -2.19135
M11 2LB 9 0 53.472011 -2.171312
M11 2LD 10 0 53.471869 -2.170407
M11 2LE 13 1 53.471908 -2.169505
M11 2LF 19 0 53.4719 -2.169023
M11 2LG 11 0 53.471827 -2.169776
M11 2LH 16 0 53.471708 -2.171025
M11 2LL 10 0 53.472003 -2.170709
M11 2LN 2 0 53.474356 -2.178025
M11 2LP 10 0 53.474341 -2.177273