all postcodes in M1 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M1 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M11 2LQ 9 0 53.474432 -2.176536
M11 2LT 13 0 53.47401 -2.176624
M11 2LU 20 0 53.473966 -2.176217
M11 2LY 53 0 53.474748 -2.175663
M11 2LZ 3 1 53.471078 -2.169982
M11 2NA 7 3 53.473678 -2.182031
M11 2NE 6 6 53.472726 -2.186365
M11 2NG 8 5 53.473038 -2.175835
M11 2NH 2 0 53.47351 -2.178986
M11 2NJ 1 1 53.472991 -2.183428
M11 2NL 10 2 53.47382 -2.183493
M11 2NN 2 2 53.473877 -2.174287
M11 2NP 1 1 53.470325 -2.182544
M11 2NQ 4 1 53.472907 -2.174646
M11 2NR 2 2 53.471569 -2.172575
M11 2NS 1 1 53.470021 -2.174996
M11 2NT 15 8 53.47079 -2.171609
M11 2NX 4 4 53.474243 -2.175599
M11 2NZ 1 0 53.472735 -2.175353
M11 2PS 2 2 53.471398 -2.172966