all postcodes in M20 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M20 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M20 2AZ 18 0 53.427882 -2.247136
M20 2JF 8 0 53.426841 -2.246076
M20 2GN 17 0 53.41896 -2.236446
M20 2JA 0 53.427404 -2.24775
M20 2JB 0 53.427404 -2.24775
M20 2JP 0 53.42698 -2.248289
M20 2EY 5 5 53.430096 -2.249948
M20 2EJ 0 53.419038 -2.242014
M20 2JQ 0 53.426786 -2.246753
M20 2LY 2 53.409225 -2.227336
M20 2RY 2 2 53.409074 -2.226358
M20 2JY 0 53.42729 -2.246274
M20 2AL 0 53.427617 -2.249015
M20 2PZ 0 53.421803 -2.242841
M20 2EN 36 0 53.430234 -2.248504
M20 2LD 3 3 53.409755 -2.227399
M20 2SE 1 53.408666 -2.228025
M20 2AA 16 0 53.416036 -2.245035
M20 2AF 1 53.425952 -2.253294
M20 2BN 21 0 53.411799 -2.229049