all postcodes in M20 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M20 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M20 2SB 0 53.40692 -2.228361
M20 2SD 0 53.406551 -2.229593
M20 2SG 1 53.410269 -2.230937
M20 2SN 4 53.41109 -2.223765
M20 2SP 0 53.408017 -2.228894
M20 2SQ 0 53.415592 -2.234757
M20 2SS 0 53.41558 -2.236307
M20 2ST 0 53.414847 -2.234197
M20 2SU 0 53.415471 -2.236998
M20 2SW 2 53.407325 -2.228875
M20 2SX 0 53.414785 -2.238484
M20 2SY 0 53.414445 -2.237685
M20 2SZ 0 53.414065 -2.238766
M20 2TA 0 53.415096 -2.240066
M20 2TB 0 53.41529 -2.237765
M20 2TD 0 53.414189 -2.235261
M20 2TE 0 53.413946 -2.235651
M20 2TF 0 53.413504 -2.236235
M20 2TG 0 53.414334 -2.234615
M20 2TH 0 53.413682 -2.237184