all postcodes in M21 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M21 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M21 9FE 1 1 53.442174 -2.275341
M21 9FF 8 0 53.437514 -2.284915
M21 9FG 1 1 53.437687 -2.283802
M21 9FH 12 0 53.438039 -2.287266
M21 9FJ 9 0 53.438568 -2.287571
M21 9FL 42 0 53.437556 -2.278623
M21 9FN 17 0 53.436187 -2.279487
M21 9FP 5 0 53.437662 -2.279271
M21 9FQ 12 0 53.438391 -2.282332
M21 9FR 24 0 53.43694 -2.284173
M21 9FS 25 0 53.437521 -2.285743
M21 9FT 25 0 53.437574 -2.286029
M21 9FU 21 0 53.438352 -2.287705
M21 9FW 26 0 53.436969 -2.279492
M21 9FX 25 0 53.439329 -2.288991
M21 9FY 33 0 53.439344 -2.286342
M21 9FZ 28 0 53.439531 -2.287352
M21 9GA 19 10 53.446771 -2.277795
M21 9GB 9 0 53.44557 -2.28006
M21 9GE 26 1 53.447125 -2.280131