all postcodes in M21 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M21 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M21 9GF 30 0 53.44615 -2.278047
M21 9GG 12 0 53.446463 -2.278184
M21 9GH 20 0 53.447164 -2.278656
M21 9GJ 10 0 53.447855 -2.279172
M21 9GL 20 0 53.447741 -2.278253
M21 9GN 15 0 53.449626 -2.279199
M21 9GP 7 0 53.442283 -2.279105
M21 9GQ 6 0 53.441026 -2.278465
M21 9GR 39 0 53.443795 -2.282006
M21 9GS 13 0 53.43923 -2.27764
M21 9GT 7 0 53.437623 -2.280414
M21 9GU 2 0 53.438186 -2.281578
M21 9GW 25 0 53.449546 -2.278641
M21 9GX 12 0 53.438179 -2.281171
M21 9GY 18 0 53.439887 -2.28481
M21 9GZ 12 0 53.446633 -2.279149
M21 9HA 20 0 53.440005 -2.288032
M21 9HB 20 0 53.440322 -2.286996
M21 9HD 20 0 53.440442 -2.285913
M21 9HE 39 0 53.442356 -2.289734